Saturday, July 25, 2020

30 ways to prepare for university studies

30 ways to prepare for university studies 30 ways to prepare for university studies However you sugar-coat it, life at university is always going to be challenging. And whilst getting a degree might be the eventual outcome, it might not always be your first priority. There is no harm in enjoying yourself as a student, but we have prepared a list of 30 study tips and hacks to ensure that you get the serious stuff done too! Learning to manage your time Perhaps the biggest challenge of all as a student is getting used to being ‘in charge’ of your own time. Especially if you are in university accommodation, you cannot rely on anyone else to get you out of bed in the morning in time for your 9am lecture, or remind you to do your ‘homework’ the night before. The following tips are aimed at making this transition to self-sufficiency easier: 1. Preparation, preparation, preparation You will most likely be presented with a student planner (or some variation of this) at the beginning of each year. Although the temptation may be to stick it in a drawer and forget about it â€" use it! Make sure that each of your lectures is written in the ‘timetable’ section, along with room number/ID, time, and date/day of the week. This will help you to plan the week ahead. Not getting lost or turning up late to lectures is an unspoken guideline to success at university. 2. Did we already mention preparation? Spending ten minutes every evening preparing your notes, arranging your work, or reading up on the topic(s) of the next lecture is a virtually painless way of ensuring that you are never the student that gets caught out by a professor suddenly deciding to encourage class participation. Are you taking your laptop? Is it charged? Do you have your notebook and a pen that works? Will you need a calculator or other equipment? Sticking to preparing the night before will prevent the last-minute rush the next morning, and will leave you with far less stress, which in turn will improve your concentration. 3. Check your university email account at least once every day Make a point of checking your emails, preferably in the morning, as any lecture cancellations/room changes are usually sent out to the class prior to the lecture timeslot. You can even link your email account to your phone, using an app such as iCloud Mail or Gmail, that will notify you when you receive a new message. This way, important messages from your department, supervisors, or professors can be dealt with expeditiously. Email is the communication method of choice as a university student, and you will likely hear about news and events through this medium also. 4. Keep track of your deadlines Although it might seem simple, having multiple different modules and courses will leave you with a variety of deadlines to consider. Make sure that you write new deadlines down in your planner, and keep these in mind when planning your week. Can you spend a couple of hours doing some research in preparation for starting to write your next assignment? By always knowing when your deadlines are, you avoid the possibility of being caught out the night before and having to hastily put something together that might not reflect your actual ability and may affect your overall grade. 5. Be early! We know the second word here sends shivers down your spine. We don’t necessarily mean waking up before 7am to work (although studies have shown that getting up early leads to increased productivity). But if you can get started with an assignment as soon as you receive it, you will save yourself a lot of suffering further down the line. Beginning a couple of weeks before the deadline might mean that you only need to write a couple of hundred words each day/night, and this will seem a lot less painful than having to spend every single waking minute working on it the day before. Using your time wisely Not only is managing your time important, but the importance of using the time that you have wisely is vastly underrated. 6. Use lecture time to your advantage Make sure that you take notes, and that these are informative enough for you to look back on and understand at a later date. If the lecturer refers to any specific books/authors, make notes of these â€" they might be hinting at a potential exam question, or the topic of your next assignment, and will always be worth a quick read! Make a few notes, and that way if you do ever need to come back to it, you have already made a start! 7. Use travel time to your advantage If you regularly take buses and/or trains, think about how you spend your time. Do you usually listen to music or scroll through social media? Long journeys are an ideal time to do some extra reading, or to make a start on an assignment. This is especially true if you regularly travel far to get to and from university each day. Half an hour per day soon adds up to 2.5 hours each week, or 10 hours per month! That’s ten hours extra that you now have for sleeping, socialising, or more studying (we’re not judging). 8. Set yourself realistic targets Any time you have dedicated to study â€" revision, reading, essay writing etc. â€" should be planned to include an aim or objective. Make sure that you spend as little time as possible procrastinating by setting yourself attainable targets for your planned study time. Do you want to write 1,000 words? Or read and make notes from 30 pages of a book? Keeping track of what you have achieved and what you need to achieve is a simpler way of measuring your ‘efficiency’, and you will actually feel as though you have accomplished something at the end of your allotted time. For more on working in manageable chunks and goal-setting, read our article on The Pomodoro Technique. 9. Don’t waste time trying to figure something out on your own when you can just ask It might be that you are completely ‘bamboozled’ by the essay question. Or that there is a certain area of a topic that you just cannot get your head around. Rather than spending hours staring at the paper, simply send an email to your lecturer/supervisor. It might be that they are able to answer you in an email reply, or instead they might be able to offer you a meeting with them to explain the parts of the topic that you are struggling with. This is worth its weight in gold, and you should make sure to take these opportunities for 1-1 tuition if/when they are offered! 10. Minimise distractions when setting aside time to study There really is no point trying to revise or write an essay whilst simultaneously holding a conversation, listening to the radio, and watching TV. There are very few people that can work effectively in these conditions! Chances are that you will not absorb any information from the pages that you are reading, or that you will not remember what you have already written about, and this will undermine your efforts. The more you focus when you are studying, the less time it will take to learn. Take advantage of every opportunity to learn Every university provides extra sessions in the form of study groups, extra classes, revision sessions, or study skills seminars. Whilst these are optional, they can be really useful â€" especially in the run-up to exams! These are an excellent chance to ask any questions that you might have, or to get further clarification on a tricky topic. You’d be surprised how many different forms of extra help are available to you! 11. Broaden your knowledge with group seminars There are often a number of seminars for each module over the course of the year, and these are intended to give you the opportunity to discuss with your peers some of the main concepts touched upon in your lectures. Sometimes they will be led by a professor, or other member of teaching staff, in which case they are the perfect way to gain a little more insight into the upcoming topics for the semester, or to ask about anything you are unsure of. Make sure that you go and that you actively participate â€" it will allow you to better engage with the subject. 12. Personal tutor meetings are crucial to maintaining your goals as a student Your personal tutor is there to help you. They will be able to address any of your concerns relating directly to your subject, or other concerns that you may have outside of lectures. Apart from anything else, maintaining a good relationship with them will help you in the future if you should need a recommendation letter for postgraduate study or for a job opportunity. Be on time, be prepared, and take your student planner with you, so that you can easily refer to any deadlines or assignments that are bothering you. 13. Don't forget reading lists It may not be stressed by your lecturer at the time, but your reading lists are an easy way to make sure that you are reading all of the right things! Why spend time looking around for references for an assignment when you have already been given specific sources to work from as a starting point? Most or all of the sources contained here will be available either online or from the library, and even just selecting a couple each month will help you to gain some background knowledge for future reference. 14. Pay attention to your marker's comments and feedback For every piece of work you hand in, you'll get it back marked with a grade and comments from the marker. What better way to identify any areas that you are struggling with? Reading these comments will allow you to see how you could have improved your essay, where you have not engaged with literature critically enough, and where you may have misunderstood or misrepresented a concept. Making these changes in the next essay that you write could be the difference between grade boundaries, and you can bear all of these things in mind during examinations. If there is something you are still unclear on â€" go back and talk to your lecturer, asking for constructive criticism. 15. Use your university’s online portal and any resources that may be available on it More often than not, lecturers will upload extra files to their ‘site’ on these online portals, and you will be able to view these files as a member of the lecture group. These could be written-up notes of lectures (past or upcoming), extra reading, guidelines, or information on an assignment. They have been uploaded for a reason, and will be helpful to you, even if you simply make a note of them to use as a reference in your next essay. Take something away from every lecture And we don’t mean stationery. Your lectures should form the ‘bones’ of your degree course, and will cover everything that you need to know in order to succeed. 16. Perhaps an obvious one â€" attend lectures Nobody can take responsibility for your learning. You will need to motivate yourself to attend each lecture, and to make sure that you are ready to listen, and to learn, when you arrive. Missing one or two lectures might go undetected by professors, but you run the risk of missing out on the topics raised altogether. If you absolutely must miss a lecture, send an email to your professor beforehand, outlining (briefly) your reasons for non-attendance and ask for any lecture ‘slides’ or notes to be forwarded to you. Or alternatively, ask a friend from your course to photocopy their notes. 17. Printing out available lecture slides prior to the lecture will give you some ‘structure’ for your notes Most professors’ put their lecture slides onto the online portal just before the lecture, and it is a really good idea to print these out and take them with you. This way, your notes will be easily traceable back to a ‘topic’ or ‘concept’, and you will be able to assemble them in a way that will better enable you to return to them for revision at a later date. 18. Take notes in a style that suits you There are many ways to write down and record lecture notes. Good note-taking is a skill that can take years to master. Think about what type of person you are. Do you write quickly? Or can you type faster? If taking your laptop with you would make it easier for you to make comprehensive notes then do not be afraid to do so. If you struggle to keep up, write down some key words, phrases, or readings that your lecturer refers to, and ask at the end of the lecture if you need to fill in any blanks. Try to write legibly, and space out your writing, otherwise it will look overly daunting when you come to revision and are faced with page after page of badly-written, cramped-together notes. 19. Write up your notes after each lecture Writing up your notes is a good idea for two reasons. Firstly, when going over everything that you have written again, you will automatically start to recognise concepts that you remember from the lecture. Reading and writing this information again will improve the chances of the information being retained in your long-term memory. Secondly, if your notes are nicely written and presented, they will be more attractive to revise! 20. Swap lecture notes with a friend Your friend may have picked up on some information that you might have missed, and this way you can both ensure that you have a ‘full’ set of notes to revise from. It is also possible that someone else may have interpreted something in a different way, or looked at something from a different angle, and this differing perspective can be useful in writing a critical essay. This is a good way of making sure that you actually write usable notes â€" someone is relying on you! Writing an essay 21. The most important part of any essay is the plan Effective planning can be the difference between a well-structured and coherent essay, and a confusing and repetitive piece of writing. It makes the whole process of writing easier! If you have a word count to stick to, include how many of these words you are going to use for each section â€" introduction, methodology, literature review, conclusion, etc. The essay plan is also a good place to begin to assemble your ‘studies’ or the existing literature that you have come across into categories/arguments, and this will help you to form the main body of the essay. 22. Stick to the deadline, and allow yourself room for movement! Handing an essay in late is never good, it reflects badly on you as a student, and you can be docked marks, or even just awarded a flat 40% for any work that you do hand in. You cannot afford this type of penalty, especially when avoiding it is perfectly plausible. Give yourself 'milestones' that you must hit on a daily/weekly basis and try to stick to these as far as possible. If you do need more time, let your lecturer know as soon as possible, so that you can arrange for an extension. 23. Do as much reading in advance as possible It is useful if you already know what your argument will be prior to starting your plan. By reading around the subject beforehand, you should have a good idea of the key concepts that you should include, the main sources that you will use to support your theory, and those that you will use to show a consideration for both perspectives. For every book/journal/source that you come across, list the main details so that you can easily find it again if necessary, and can include it in your bibliography. 24. Try to engage critically with your sources If you are using studies or experiments in your essay be sure to evaluate the methodology that has been used, the considerations for ethics that are in place, and the value of the findings. For example, a study carried out with twelve randomly selected participants may not be comprehensive enough to relate its findings to entire populations. If you are using someone else’s writing as a reference, take note of the date. Was there anything relevant happening at the time/has anything happened since to influence the validity of these findings? Perhaps there have been developments in the field since the date of publication, in which case, not all of their conclusions may be relevant. This is critically engaging with your source material, and will score you higher marks. 25. Make sure that you answer the question that is in front of you It is easy to get carried away and drift from your main line of argument. Again, this is where a plan is useful in ensuring that you keep to the point. Try deconstructing the question, underlining key words, and highlighting what the question is asking you to do â€" analyse, evaluate, present, critique. For each new point that you make, you should link this back to the question, and emphasise how including it has helped you to reach your eventual conclusion. 26. Check the other requirements for your work What referencing system do you need to use? How many sources should you include? What is the eventual word count? Most universities also have guidelines for presentation, including the font, font size, line spacing, and heading/subheading style. Referencing guides can be found online or in your university handbook and are fairly easy to follow. If you are still unsure, ask a classmate whether they can help you. Revision and exams There are people (we all know at least one) who don't seem to get stressed by stuff like exams, and seem to do well regardless of how little work they put into revision and preparation. You might be one such person. But like a lot of other things in life, you do get out what you put in. Not only will you feel more confident if you are prepared for sitting an exam, but your confidence will show in your writing. 27. Find something that works for you, and stick to it Some people retain information better through reading, whilst others might need to do something a little more ‘hands-on’ to make sure the stuff they are revising sticks. Whoever you are, you need to find a way of revising and making revision notes that really works for you. Whether it is making sticky notes of key information, studies, or questions and putting them around your room, or making yourself a number of spider diagrams to provide a more ‘graphic’ representation of the topic at hand, there will be ways that help you study most optimally. 28. Make a revision plan â€" set out when you will study each section of each module There is no telling what questions will come up during the exam, and you don’t want to open a paper to find that everything you have revised all year is missing. Instead, try to focus equally on each area and if there are one or two that you are struggling with, talk to your lecturer or personal tutor. They might be able to explain to you where you are going wrong, and point you in the direction of a book or journal article that will improve your understanding. 29. Breathe. Be prepared. Get a good night’s sleep Cramming an entire year's worth of revision into the night before an exam is not an effective means of preparation. Studies have shown that the brain requires a good night’s sleep in order to function to its full potential, and it is better that you are able to think on your feet. Get everything ready â€" pens, pencils, water, calculator, etc. â€" the night before, so that you can wake up well-rested and arrive at the exam in one piece. 30. In the exam, try not to pay attention to others around you and plan your time The person at the desk next to you has already asked for more paper, whilst the person sitting behind you is sniffling as though their life depends on it. Not idea. But you need to be able to tune all of this out. Make sure that you have read and understand the question, and make a quick plan of your answer. If there are multiple questions, give yourself a deadline for each, to avoid rushing the last one. Although there is usually the chance for students completing their exam early to leave, it is a better idea to thoroughly check through your work. That extra ten minutes could earn you an extra couple of marks and take you up to the next grade boundary! Be more prepared for exams than you've ever been. If you want to know how to answer exam essay questions correctly, our model exam answer service could be just for you. We'll connect you with an academic who will write bespoke example essay answers and demonstrate techniques that you can use to inspire you own writing. Find out more You may also like... How to write a first-class essay and ace your degree Everything you need to know about exam resits Great essay writing in 8 steps educationstudent lifestudentsstudy skillsuniversitywriting tips

Visor Hats - A Great Accessory For Kids

<h1>Visor Hats - A Great Accessory For Kids</h1><p>As you are perusing the web, your kid may request that you purchase a visor cap that can have custom composition on it. This is a very extraordinary frill for kids. These caps are planned so that they can have the message imprinted on it can likewise have the logo of the company.</p><p></p><p>Varsity top is one of only a handful barely any visor caps that can have custom composition. Varsity tops will likewise have the name of the school or school and the school mascot. Varsity tops can be found in an assortment of plans and hues that will coordinate with the school's shading plan. Varsity tops can likewise have the school insignia and the football crew's name.</p><p></p><p>College and optional school tops are additionally extremely mainstream visor caps that can have custom composition. This is on the grounds that these caps are worn by understudies who are more estab lished than the more youthful understudies. These caps can have the school logo on them just as the logo of the understudy board. The school logo is typically the school hues in which there is a complex structure that accompanies the school colors.</p><p></p><p>The exemplary visor cap is one of the other extraordinary alternatives for visor caps that can have custom composition. This cap is additionally well known for wearing to parties. This is on the grounds that it is very alluring and it will fit any character. It isn't too huge for any age gathering and it will even now look pretty.</p><p></p><p>The greatest bit of leeway of buying a visor cap that can have custom composing is that it can keep the youngster's feet warm. A visor cap keeps the feet warm particularly during chilly climate. It can likewise give a cool air to the legs. Hence, it will keep the feet warm and dry while the kid is playing outside. They can play for extende d periods of time and still feel comfortable.</p><p></p><p>Kids who need to discover a visor cap that can have custom composing can go on the web and locate a couple of choices. These choices can likewise incorporate visor caps that are blue or dim. Visor caps that are purple can likewise be discovered on the web. These hues will give an a lot more pleasant search for the youngsters' room.</p><p></p><p>Visor caps that can have custom composing can be discovered online in an assortment of hues and plans. You will have the option to discover a visor cap that accommodates your kid's style just as their personality.</p>

Friday, July 10, 2020

Samples of Essay about Myself Secrets

<h1> Samples of Essay about Myself Secrets</h1> <p>The issue of the family is additionally somewhat vital for me. Sharing is something which is treasurable as you are prepared to gracefully an opportunity for others to develop and to let them become fruitful through your approval. </p> <h2> What the In-Crowd Won't Tell You About Samples of Essay about Myself </h2> <p>At the absolute first sight, it might appear that family foundation model article is tied in with portraying your family members, normal interests, etc. There is an astounding reason for looking for progress after the finish of understudy life. Classes in school come simple a great deal of the time yet I love history and past occasions which lead to basically thinking every day. Or on the other hand, you may be approached to characterize another activity to help an admirable motivation in your locale. </p> <p>This article offers you a chance to communicate your character past what can be gathered from various qualities of the application. It's entirely significant to dismantle writing to have the option to see only the way that it achieves its destinations. Try not to get stayed with material belongings and what you've accomplished throughout everyday life. With 100 words, it is conceivable to just focus on two or three components of your life. </p> <h2> Samples of Essay about Myself: No Longer a Mystery</h2> <p>You might need to add more to cause your paper to show up not too bad. Edit to ensure the exposition has no syntactic blunders. The diagram will go about as a plan for your actual article. A self-presentation paper diagram can be easy to compose, since you should simply to present yourself. </p> <p>Your passages don't associate each other's importance notwithstanding the entire idea of your article may be tremendous. Peruse the activity on which you're composing your understanding paper. With these 3 pieces, you will create a legitimate exposition with created thoughts and models. Heaps of people look for help with article composing. </p> <p>When composing a logical exposition, you generally need to recollect your goal is to teach the peruser. Attempt to recall, your private paper may be reality, however it doesn't demonstrate you shouldn't think about it from an experimental writing outlook. Start with conceptualizing the significant thoughts of your exposition. </p> <p>Regardless of what subject you're composing a paper on, it's significant with the goal for it to be all around grew so you can pass on considerations to the peruser in a cognizant manner. By the end of the article, the peruser should have a total cognizance of what your identity is and what you wish to achieve. Give your peruser a piece of information of what is told straightaway. To structure a paper, you should just follow the previously mentioned design. </p> <p>Your early on section should be explicit and legitimately about the temporary position. After the presentation is done, it is conceivable to then start composing the body of the discourse. When you round out the paper, read over it to guarantee each passage begins with a smooth change. Portray the two things you'll be talking about in your paper, and complete the passage with a proposal proclamation. </p> <p>When a few addresses should engage, others should convince or advise. Some of the expositions ask that you depict what's going on and various them are regarding why it's occurring. You may likewise consider a completion that reflects the beginning of your exposition. At last, the detail of genuine discourse makes the scene pop. </p> <h2> Samples of Essay about Myself - Overview</h2> <p>An understanding paper for the most part doesn't require outside exploration and shouldn't highlight a survey of the work however rather present your private viewpoint. My family paper test is no issue to discover on the web. In case you're citing from a source other than a book, similar to a site, narrative, or meeting, you should look further into MLA reference show, as it is very adaptable concerning permitting outside sources and has an exacting convention for each. While looking for an individual paper model, it's additionally enthusiastically suggested that you th ink about the states of utilization as laid out by various sources. </p> <p>Read my paper composing administration surveys and my manual for choosing the perfect assistance for all that you need to comprehend about how to choose the best composing organizations. It is imperative to recall that each family exposition model you find online can't be duplicated or taken. There are sources that can give you test expositions to utilize legitimately from their sites while some give space for downloads with the goal that you may utilize the model at your own second. You may find a ton of tips online about how to make a self-presentation article, yet here are a couple of tips that you may find useful.</p>

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Essay Topics in the Aeneid

Essay Topics in the AeneidSeveral things are to be taken into consideration when writing essay topics in the Aeneid. The first thing to do is to select the proper topic, and to then compose the essay in such a way that it would enhance the thinking process of the reader. It is always better to go for the general subjects rather than the essay topics in the Aeneid which are exclusive to the works.There are several ways in which one can choose the topic, depending on the mood and meaning of the writer. Generally, the first idea is preferred to fit in the second one, and vice versa. In case of an essay, the topic may either be a discussion on how the fundamental characters or ideas of the Aeneid itself has been preserved or else on the society or the status quo in Ancient Rome. It depends on the mood of the writer and the requirement.The themes or the questions which the Aeneid poses are just as crucial as the topic in choosing a topic for an essay. The topic should be unique, yet it sh ould also be practical and also in the form of a puzzle or a game. The theme must always bring out a very natural feeling in the writer and so there should be a natural expression present at the end of the essay. This is the reason why if you are contemplating writing an essay and you have more than three hours to spare, you should not attempt to use a theme. You should choose a topic and then proceed with it.The theme of the essay in the Aeneid is indeed a very different thing. Rather than an essay being purely scientific in nature, the essay in the Aeneid is a conversation between the King and the Aeneas who have just come from Troy. Both the King and the Aeneas are in a bad mood and the theme here is being bested by another person. Hence, the themes in the Aeneid have to be examined carefully before selecting a topic.There are many essay topics in the Aeneid, but the truth of the matter is that it is best if you try to focus on one or two themes. First of all, the topics in the A eneid are mainly of warfare and the warlike behaviour. In fact, even if there is not any explicit mention of war, the topic is generally quite violent. The most common themes in the Aeneid include a discussion about the strictness of the laws and about the lifestyles of the Romans and what kind of people they are.Secondly, the topics in the Aeneid deal with the power of vengeance and the strength of the emotions in the Roman character. The themes in the Aeneid are often violent, but the violence is never dealt with in the most graphic manner. The violence, however, is always dealt with delicately and is an essential ingredient in the development of the story line.Finally, the most interesting topic that you can opt for is the subject of love. The theme of love in the Aeneid is in fact quite easy to understand and it is interesting in the sense that it contains two contradictory elements. On the one hand, you have a love which is carried out by force, and on the other hand, you have a love that is freely enjoyed by the characters in the book.When it comes to essay topics in the Aeneid, the themes should always be related to the plot, as these are the aspects that you should be using to enhance the composition of the essay. As the Aeneid is very lengthy, it is best if you do not make it too difficult for yourself.