Monday, August 24, 2020

The Gospel According to Spiritism

THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO SPIRITISM Contains clarifications of the ethical proverbs of Christ as per Spiritism And their application in different conditions in life By ALLAN KARDEC Author of THE SPIRITS’ BOOK Unshakable confidence is just that which can meet explanation up close and personal in each Human age ____________ This English interpretation is taken from the third release of the first French, similar to the one containing all of Allan Kardec’s last updates, distributed in 1866. List NOTE: The numbers set toward the finish of the different things in every section demonstrate the number(s) of the passage, for brisk location.PUBLISHER’S FOREWORD TRANSLATOR’S Acknowledgments TRANSLATOR’S PREFACE INTRODUCTION 1. The goal of this work. †2. The authority behind the Spiritist teaching. The Universal control of the Spirit lessons. †3. Recorded realities. †4. Socrates and Plato, the harbingers of the Christian thought and Spiritism. Sect ion 1. †I HAVE NOT COME TO DESTROY THE LAW The three disclosures: Moses, Christ, Spiritism: 1 †7. †The collusion of science and religion: 8. †Instructions from the Spirits: The new period: 9 †11. Part 2. †MY KINGDOM IS NOT OF THIS WORD 31 The future life: 1 †3. †The superbness of Jesus: 4. A perspective: 5 †7. †Instructions from the Spirits: A natural magnificence: 8. Section 3. †IN MY FATHER’S HOUSE ARE MANY MANSIONS 37 The various conditions of the spirit in its otherworldly wanderings: 1 †2. †The various classes of possessed universes: 3 †5. †Earth’s predetermination. The reason for natural torments: 6 †7. †Instructions from the Spirits: Superior and second rate universes: 8 †12. †Words of tests and amends: 13 †15. †Regeneration universes: 16 †18. †The movement of the universes: 19. Part 4. †EXCEPT A MAN BE BORN AGAIN HE CANNOT SEE THE45 KINGDOM OF HEAVEN Resurrection and rebirth: 1 †17. Rebirth fortifies family ties, while a solitary life would wreck them: 18 †23. †Instructions from the Spirits: Limits of manifestations: 24. †The requirement for manifestation: 25 †26. Section 5. †BLESSED ARE THE AFFLICTED 55 The equity of sufferings: 1 †3. †Causes of present-day burdens: 4 †5. Past reasons for torments: 6 †10. †Forgetfulness of the previous: 11. †Motives for renunciation: 12 †13. †Suicide and franticness: 14 †17. †Instructions from the Spirits: To endure well or seriously: 18. †Evil and its cure: 19. †Happiness isn't of this world: 20. †Losing friends and family. Unexpected losses: 21. In the event that he had been a decent man he would have kicked the bucket: 22. †Voluntary torments: 23. †True incident: 24. †Melancholy: 25. †Voluntary preliminaries. The genuine hair shirt: 26. †Should we end our neighborâ €™s probation? 27. †Would it be licit to hurry the passing of somebody hopelessly debilitated who is languishing? : 28. †Sacrificing one’s own life: 29 †30. †Making one’s own enduring valuable to other people: 31. Part 6. †CHRIST THE CONSOLER 77 The delicate burden: 1 †2. †The guaranteed consoler: 3 †4. †Instructions from the Spirits: The approach of the Spirit of Truth: 5 †8. Section 7. †BLESSED ARE THE POOR IN SPIRIT 81What ought to be comprehended by the words ‘poor in spirit’? : 1 †2. †He who lifts up himself will be degraded: 3 †6. †Mysteries that are avoided the educated and judicious: 7 †10. †Instructions from the Spirits: Pride and lowliness: 11 †12. †Mission of the clever individual on Earth: 13. Part 8. †BLESSED ARE THE PURE IN HEART 91 Simplicity and virtue of heart: 1 †4. †Sinning by methods for thought. Infidelity: 5 †7. †True immaculateness. Unwashed hands: 8 †10. †Offenses. In the event that your hand is the reason for an offense, cut it off: 11 †17. †Instructions from the Spirits: Let little kids come unto me: 18 †19. Favored are those whose eyes are shut: 20 †21. Part 9. †BLESSED ARE THE MEEK AND THE PEACEMAKERS 99 Insults and viciousness: 1 †5. †Instructions from the Spirits: Affability and gentleness: 6. †Patience: 7. †Obedience and acquiescence: 8. †Anger: 9 †10. Section 10. †BLESSED ARE THE MERCIFUL 105 Forgive others so God may pardon you: 1 †4. †Reconciliation with your enemies: 5 †6. †The penance generally pleasant to God: 7 †8. †The bit and the pillar in the eye: 9 †10. †Do not pass judgment on others in the event that you don't wish to be decided in kind. He that is without wrongdoing, let him be the first to cast a stone: 11 †13. Guidelines from the Spirits: The exculpatin g of offenses: 14 †15. - Indulgence: 16 †18. †Is it allowed to reprimand, watch blemishes or to remark on the malevolence in others? : 19 †21. Section 11. †LOVE YOUR Neighbor AS YOURSELF 115 The best edict. Do unto others as we would have them do unto as. The illustration of the loan bosses and the borrowers: 1 †4. †Give unto Caesar that which has a place with Caesar: 5 †7. - Instructions from the Spirits: The law of adoration: 8 †10. †Selfishness: 11 †12. †Faith and Charity: 13. †Charity towards hoodlums: 14. †Should we chance our life for a lawbreaker? : 15. Section 12. LOVE YOUR ENEMIES 125 Return goodness for malicious: 1 †4. †Discarnate foes: 5 †6. †Whosoever will destroy thee on the correct cheek, go to him the other additionally: 7 †8. †Instructions from the Spirits: Vengeance: 9. †Hate: 10. †Dueling: 11 †16. Part 13. †DO NOT LET YOUR LEFT HAND KNOW WHAT YOU R 135 RIGHT HAND IS DOING Do acceptable without pomposity: 1 †3. †Hidden disasters: 4. †The widow’s bug: 5 †6. †To welcome poor people and the weak. To give without thought of reward: 7 †8. †Instructions from the Spirits: Material and good cause: 9 †10. †Beneficence rewarded by selfishness: 19. Exclusivist advantage: 20. Section 14. †Honor YOUR FATHER AND YOUR MOTHER 151 Filial dedication: 1 †4. †Who is my mom and who are my siblings? : 5 †7. †Corporeal relationship and profound relationship: 8. †Instructions from the Spirits: Children’s thoughtlessness and family ties: 9. Section 15. †WITHOUT CHARITY THERE IS NO SALVATION 159 What the soul needs so as to be spared. The anecdote of the great Samaritan: 1 †3. †The best of the edicts: 4 †5. †The requirement for a noble cause, as per Saint Paul: 6 †7. †Without the Church there is no salvation. Without truth there is no salvation: 8 †9. Guidelines from the Spirits: Without good cause there is no salvation: 10. Part 16. †IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO SERVE BOTH GOD AND 165 MAMMON The salvation of the rich: 1 †2. †Preserve yourself from greed: 3. †Jesus in the place of Zacchaeus: 4. †The illustration of the terrible rich man: 5. †The anecdote of the abilities: 6. †The fortunate utility of wealth. Preliminaries of wealth and hopelessness: 7. †The disparity of wealth: 8. †Instructions from the Spirits: True property: 9 †10. †The utilization of wealth: 11 †13. Separation from natural belongings: 14. †Transference of wealth: 15. Part 17. †BE PERFECT 179Characteristics of flawlessness: 1 †2. †The great individual: 3. †The great Spiritist: 4. †The anecdote of the sower: 5 †6. †Instructions from the Spirits: Duty: 7. †Virtue 8. †Those who are unrivaled and the individuals who are sub-par: 9. â₠¬ The common individual: 10. †Look after both body and Spirit: 11. Part 18. †MANY CALLED, BUT FEW ARE CHOSEN 191 The story of the wedding feast: 1 †2. †The thin entryway: 3 †5. †Not each one of the individuals who state: Lord! Master! will go into the Kingdom of Heaven: 6 †9. †Much will be inquired as to whether he who gets a lot: 10 †12. †Instructions from the Spirits: To the individuals who have will be given progressively: 13 †15. A Christian is perceived by his works: 16. Part 19. †FAITH TRANSPORTS MOUNTAINS 201 The intensity of confidence: 1 †5. †Religious confidence. The condition of immovable confidence: 6 †7. The anecdote of the dry fig-tree: 8 †10. †Instructions from the Spirits: Faith, the mother of expectation and good cause: 11. †Human and Divine confidence: 12. Part 20. †WORKERS OF THE LAST HOUR 207 Instructions from the Spirits: The last will be the initial: 1 †3. †Mission of the Spiritists: 4. †The laborers of the Lord: 5. Part 21. †THERE WILL BE FALSE CHRISTS AND FALSE PROPHETS 211 A tree is known by its organic products: 1 †3. †The strategic the prophets: 4. The wonders of the bogus prophets: 5. †Do not accept all the Spirits: 6 †7. †Instructions from the Spirits: The bogus prophets: 8. †The character of the genuine prophet: 9. †The bogus prophets from the profound world: 10. Jeremiah and the bogus prophets: 11. Part 22. †WHOM GOD HAS JOINED TOGETHER LET NO MAN PUT 221 APART The constancy of marriage: 1 †4. †Divorce: 5. Section 23. †STRANGE MORAL 225 Hate the guardians: 1 â�

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